The NACM External Groups callback function is a user callback that is invoked when the server creates a new client session for NETCONF or RESTCONF sessions. It is used to retrieve a list of group names that should be used for the specified username, just for that session. These group names are added to any NACM configured groups in the ietf-netconf-acm YANG module.

The following function template definition is used for NACM External Groups callback functions:

/* typedef for NACM External Groups callback function
 * Get the list of group names for this username
 * These groups are added to the usergroup cache for the session
 *   username: return the list of group names that this username
 *             is a member
 *   retgroups == address of return malloced string
 *   *retgroups is set to a malloced string that will be parsed.
 *         It contains a whitespace delimited list of group named
 *            ' group1 group2 group3'
 *         The caller will free this string with m__free
 *   status: if an error occurs the session will only use NACM groups
typedef status_t
    (*agt_acm_group_cbfn_t) (const xmlChar *username,
                             xmlChar **retgroups);

The agt_acm_ietf_register_group_cbfn function is used to declare the NACM External Group callback. The registration can be done during the Initialization Phase 2, before or after the running configuration has been loaded from the startup file.

Initialization function with the NACM External Group callback registration may look as follows:

status_t y_example_module_init (
    const xmlChar *modname,
    const xmlChar *revision)
    status_t res = NO_ERR;

    // … load module, etc.
    /* example -- Register a NACM External Groups Callback */

    return res;

There is no unregister function for this callback. The server will cleanup automatically on shutdown.

The following example code illustrates how the NACM External Group callback may look like. 

 * FUNCTION nacm_external_group_cbfn
 * Get the list of group names for this username
 * These groups are added to the usergroup cache for the session
 *   username: return the list of group names that this username
 *             is a member
 *   retgroups == address of return malloced string
 *   *retgroups is set to a malloced string that will be parsed.
 *         It contains a whitespace delimited list of group named
 *            ' group1 group2 group3'
 *         The caller will free this string with m__free
 *   status: if an error occurs the session will only use NACM groups
static status_t
    nacm_external_group_cbfn (const xmlChar *username,
                              xmlChar **retgroups)
    if (retgroups == NULL) {
        return ERR_NCX_INVALID_VALUE;


    /* MUST use a function that allocates memory with m__getMem
     * Will be freed by the caller with m__free macro
    *retgroups = xml_strdup("group1 group2 group5");
    if (*retgroups == NULL) {
        return ERR_INTERNAL_MEM;

    return NO_ERR;