The NV-Save callback function is a user callback that is invoked when the running configuration needs to be saved to non-volatile storage. A configuration filespec is passed to this callback that contains the configuration that needs to be saved to non-volatile storage.

The following function template definition is used for NV-Save callback functions:

/* Typedef of the callback */ 
typedef status_t
  (*agt_nvsave_fn_t) (ncx_display_mode_t encoding,
        const xmlChar *filespec);

The agt_register_local_nv_handler function is used to declare the NV-Save callback. The registration can be done during the Initialization Phase 2, after the running configuration has been loaded from the startup file.

Initialization function with the NV- Save callback registration may look as follows:

#define EXAMPLECONFIG_SPEC (const xmlChar *)"/tmp/example-config.xml"

* FUNCTION interfaces_init2
* initialize the server instrumentation library.
* Initialization Phase 2
static status_t 
     interfaces_init2 (void) 

    /* register NV-storage handler to load/save config 
     * uncomment following to enable 
    res = agt_register_local_nv_handler(nvload_callback, 
    if (res != NO_ERR) { 
        return res; 


There is no cleanup function for this callback. The cleanup will be done automatically by the server.

The following example code illustrates how the NV-Save callback may look like. 

* FUNCTION nvsave_callback 
* this callback is invoked when some config needs to be saved 
* to non-volatile storage 
*    encoding == encoding format for the config (xml only allowed value) 
*    filespec == filespec containing the config to save 
*    status; error indicates NV-save failed somehow 
static status_t 
  example_nvsave (ncx_display_mode_t encoding, 
                  const xmlChar *filespec) 
    status_t res = NO_ERR; 

    if (filespec == NULL || *filespec == 0) { 
        res = ERR_NCX_INVALID_VALUE; 
    } else if (encoding != NCX_DISPLAY_MODE_XML) { 
        res = ERR_NCX_INVALID_VALUE; 
    } else { 
        res = ncxmod_copy_text_file(filespec, EXAMPLE_CONFIG_SPEC); 

    return res;
}  /* nvsave_callback */

Now, when some configuration needs to be saved to Non-Volatile storage this callback function will try to save specified configuration into specific Non-Volatile storage.