
You may notice that any REST query that takes longer than 4 or 5 minutes seems to give an 500 internal error, and that changing the timeout for your Apache server did not resolve the issue. You may wonder, is there a similar timeout to configure for the YumaPro restconf site?


Yes there are several parameters that control RESTCONF FastCGI process.

You can change the following parameters in your site restconf.conf configuration file.

> cat /etc/apache/sites-available/restconf.conf

<VirtualHost *:80>
     ### SET to 0!!! otherwise mod_fcgid will do it's own output buffering
    ### by default it's 65536 and not 0
    ### MUST be set if SEE used
    OutputBufferSize 0

    ## This is the maximum time limit for request handling.
    ## If a FastCGI request does not complete within BusyTimeout
    ## seconds, it will be subject to termination.
    ## Set to big number if SSE used
    ## NOTE: Default BusyScanInterval is 120 sec
    BusyTimeout 120

    ## Set to big number if SSE used
    ## This is the maximum period of time the module will
    ## wait while trying to read from or write to a FastCGI application
    IPCCommTimeout 300

To extend the wait time for a request you need to change IPCCommTimeout to a large number.

IPCCommTimeout 50000

For more information on configuring your restconf site to monitor Server-Side Events (SSE) please see the solution article 

How do I configure RESTCONF site to support Server-Sent Event (SSE) notifications?