Before yangcli-pro NETCONF sessions can be made to a netconfd-pro server, ssh must be configured to allow traffic on port 830 through the NETCONF subsystem, netconf-subsys-pro.
To do this follow these steps:
1) Use your text editor of choice to edit the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file on the system to which you wish to connect and add the following lines:
Port 22 Port 830 Subsystem netconf /usr/sbin/netconf-subsystem-pro
1a) For SELinux systems like CentOS and Fedora you must tell SELinux about this configuration change using this command:
mydir> sudo semanage port -a -t ssh_port_t -p tcp 830
2) Restart ssh
Ubuntu version: mydir> sudo service ssh restart
Fedora version mydir> sudo service sshd restart