yangcli-pro has many powerful automated features turned on by default. There are some exceptions, however:

1) The autoconfig parameter is turned off by default

leaf autoconfig [boolean] [d:false]

      Controls whether the running configuration

      will be retrieved automatically for active sessions.

      By default, the running config will not be retrieved

      and maintained so it can be compared and used for

      command tab completion.

To turn on autoconfig in yangcli-pro add the --autoconfig flag to your startup command:

user@system> yangcli-pro --autoconfig=true

This will turn autoconfig on in yangcli-pro for the duration of the one yangcli-pro instance

that is being booted. If you'd like to use autoconfig every time you run yangcli-pro,

you can set autoconfig to true in yangcli-pro's configuration file, default location being

/etc/yumapro/yangcli-pro.conf. The following example entry turns autoconfig on every time

you start yangcli-pro using this configuration file:

#### leaf autoconfig
# Controls whether the running configuration
# will be retrieved automatically for active sessions.
# By default, the running config will not be retrieved
# and maintained so it can be compared and used for
# command tab completion.
# autoconfig false
autoconfig true

2) The autonotif parameter is turned off by default

The autonotif parameter controls whether notifications will automatically

be enabled when a session starts. If set to true, notifications will be enabled

if the server supports the :notifications and :interleave capabilities.

A <create-subscription> operation will be performed and notification events

for the session will be monitored. The default is false, to not automatically

subscribe to Serve Side Event (SSE) notifications.

To turn on autonotif in yangcli-pro add the --autonotif flag to your startup command:

user@system> yangcli-pro --autonotif=true

This will turn autonotif on in yangcli-pro for the duration of the one yangcli-pro instance

that is being booted. If you'd like to use autonotif every time you run yangcli-pro,

you can set autonotif to true in yangcli-pro's configuration file. The following example

entry turns autonotif on every time you start yangcli-pro using this configuration file:

#### leaf autonotif
# Controls whether notifications will automatically
# be enabled when a session starts.
# By default, notifications will not be enabled.
# If enabled, a <create-subscription> operation will
# be performed when the session starts, and notification
# events for the session will be monitored.
# autonotif false
autonotif true