The server allows modules to be loaded at boot-time with the --module, --deviation, or annotation parameters




Each of these parameters has a different purpose:

  • module=foo[@date]
    • Loads the module "foo"
    • Picks the first revision found in the module search path if date not specified
    • Module will be advertised in the NETCONF <hello> message
    • Module will be listed as "implemented" in the YANG library
  • deviation=foo[@date]
    • Loads the deviation statements from module "foo"
    • Does not load regular statements from the module
    • Picks the first revision found in the module search path if date not specified
    • Module will be advertised in the NETCONF <hello> message
    • Module will be listed as "implemented" in the YANG library
  • annotation=foo[@date]
    • Loads the deviation statements from module "foo"
    • Expecting only external statements (e.g., control server behavior)
    • Does not load regular statements from the module
    • Picks the first revision found in the module search path if date not specified
    • Module will NOT be advertised in the NETCONF <hello> message
    • Module will be listed as "imported" in the YANG library