XPath has many ways to reference and compare data nodes
The dot '.' is shorthand for an AbbreviatedStep, and selects the context node
The context node changes as the expression is parsed.
For example, a new step or predicate starts a new context node
These 2 XPath expressions select the same set of nodes
The context node changes as the context set changes in each step.
1) root context set selects child node if:interfaces
2) if:interfaces context set selects child node if:interface
The current() function selects the initial context node and never changes value.
In YANG, this will be the node that contains the must or when statement.
leaf my-itf {
type string;
must " /if:interfaces/if:interface[if:name=current()]";
This must expression enforces the same constraint as a leafref,
which is that there must exist an interface with the same name as the value of the 'my-itf' leaf.
leaf my-itf {
type if:interface-ref;