If the netconfd-pro server crashes or you exit from the debugger without letting a shutdown to be run properly.
If this happens, the server may refuse to run the next time it is start.
You might see an error message as shown below:
Error: program netconfd-pro appears to be running as PID 13342 Error: Cannot create PID file *** If no other instances of netconfd-pro are running, *** try deleting /tmp/ncxserver.sock and $HOME/.yumapro/netconfd-pro.pid *** > rm /tmp/ncxserver.sock *** > rm $HOME/.yumapro/netconfd-pro.pid netconfd-pro: init returned (operation failed) Server Cleanup Starting...
The following example script called clean-server will clean up the files that could be left behind by the server
#!/bin/bash # # Clean up any files left behind by netconfd-pro after it crashes # or exit from a debugger without a proper shutdown rm -f /tmp/ncxserver.sock rm -f /tmp/netconfd-pro-subsys-info.txt rm $HOME/.yumapro/netconfd-pro.pid